Special Thanks
The following individuals and groups have supported the project by supplying advice, archaeological data and specimens and are thanked for their help and generosity.
David Allen, Steve Beamish, Zlatozar Boev, Nick Bohemia, Colin Booth, Aurélia Borvon, Jelena Bulatovic (University of Belgrade), Susan Branton, Sylvia Cook, Charlotte Coles, Robin Creighton, Linas Daugnora (Klaipėda University) Stephen Elliot, S. Entwisle-Baker, Anton Ervynck, Alice Forward, Gabrielle Franklin, Scott Whitman Franklin, Stuart Gamble, Adolfo Gil, Sheila Hamilton-Dyer, Fred Hams, Gaëlle Harouard, Gillian Herbert, Matilda Holmes, Clayton Horspole, Jay Hunt, Julia Keeling, Hanna Kivikero, Afaq Khaliq, Matilde Lanza, An Lentacker, Simone Lomax, Leigh Mannix, Nemanja Markovic (Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade), Sam Marment, Marleen Martens, Lorraine Mepham, Agathe Mulot Wim Van Neer, Gustavo Neme, Jim Owen, Kerstin Pasda (Germany), Sam Presslee, Olivier Putelat, Victoria Roberts, Elizabeth Sackey, David Scrivener, Richard Small, Peter Smith, Martin Stephenson, Lena Strid, Robert Symmons, Jill Tait, Mike Thick, David Thorne, Angela Trentacoste, Tony Wilmott, Graham Vick, and Anne Wincott.
Fancy Fowl, Hartshill School, Palaeoecology Research Services
Intergemeentelijke Archeologische Dienst PORTIVA (Tienen, Belgium)
(This page is in the process of being updated and is currently very incomplete).
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