I am a PhD student interested in the social construction and representation of chickens. In other words, what interests me is the way we talk (write) about chickens.
Project blog
Between the 22nd and the 25th of September, our Chicken Meeting took place at the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford.
Since the beginning of our ‘Chicken Project’ - which is investigating when, how, why and with what impact the chicken spread around the world - we have been collaborating with staff and students fr
Research In Translation (https://researchintranslation.wordpress.com/) is an AHRC-funded endeavour intended to familiarise Early Career Re
As the month of May drew to an end, Ophélie Lebrasseur had the pleasure of attending “La Poule: Pratiques d’Élevage et Histoire Culturelle” (The chicken: Breeding Practices and Cultural History), a
At the University of Leicester, research into the development of chicken breeds has resulted in one of the largest and best-provenanced collections of domestic fowl skeletons in Britain.
Last Friday, 30th of January, our periodic meeting took place at the Department of Archaeology at the University of York.
As the project draws to the end of its first year, the team traveled to the world-famous visitor attraction of Vindolanda Roman Fort, on Hadrian’s Wall, to share their preliminary findings with mem
Why on earth should we care about chickens? They are comical, stupid and their only purpose is to provide us with meat and eggs, right? Well…
Many members of the team are now back to the UK after having attended the International Meeting of the
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- — 4 years 11 months ago
- — 5 years 9 months ago
- — 5 years 10 months ago
- — 5 years 10 months ago